TeachOSM Educator Workshop
Sunday, 9am - 5pm
A one-day open mapping workshop for high school and college teachers. The workshop gives teachers the tools to create engaging, hands-on mapping projects for their students. Workshop participants will:
Get a hands-on introduction to fundamental open mapping techniques – the OpenStreetMap toolset, editing OpenStreetMap, and best practices for data quality Conduct a street survey with OSM veterans to map different neighborhoods throughout Boulder using field papers
Use active examples of how to apply open mapping techniques in class: how to create good projects.
Use the TeachOSM for High School curriculum to create a classroom mapathon Learn how to work in an open source community and contribute to the open mapping body of knowledge.
Initiate partnerships with groups “on the ground” in areas needing mappers to pair classrooms with those in areas of need. (e.g. HOTOSM, Missing Maps)