OpenAerialMaps Loves OpenStreetMap – Transcription
All right, everyone. Welcome back. Kindly take your seats and cease your conversations so we can get ready for the next session. I appreciate it. Before we get started, I would like to put my OpenStreetMap Foundation hat on. Like this. I’m a member of the board of directors of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. I would like to encourage you to become members of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. If you care enough to be here and support this conference and interested enough in OpenStreetMap as you apparently all are, then you are definitely interested enough to become a member and support the organization that way. To help keep us running. And also to have a chance at both running and voting for the board of directors who help support the project with their time and experience. So please do. You can go to It’s 15 pounds per year, about $20 U.S. Please do that if you’re not already. With that, I would like to introduce our first speaker, Nate, who is going to talk about OpenAerialMap. Take it away. I’m excited about this session. Half of it is about drones and UAV imagery. My name is Nate, I’m with the humanitarian OpenStreetMap team. And we all know seven years ago there was a large earthquake in Haiti where open imagery really helped drive tracing and all the tracing work that happened in that area in OpenStreetMap. So we had things like DigitalGlobe providing some predisaster imagery. We had World bank, Rochester area, technology, flying a small aircraft, doing Lidar and RGB. And allowed people allowed thousands of volunteers to assemble a map immediately after the earthquake. But I was having a conversation last night with Skylar who I hope is here, he was helping downing the passing TMS, generating these services. And the thing that was difficult to get imagery surfaces online and available. And so seven years ago, Skylar and other people started imagining a world. So if we combine the right license with tools to search and access, we can start having better, faster use of imagery in OpenStreetMap. So what that world starts to look like, I can go anywhere in the world, find some imagery, see it, preview it, and pull it into OpenStreetMap. Say there were clouds before. Now I have imagery, I can start tracing it and start to put a community on the map. This is OpenAerialMap. It’s satellite imagery and drone imagery. I’m going to give you a sneak peek of the latest stuff we rolled out yesterday and how people are using it. Where people editing not editing adding, uploading imagery. And kind of the things for the future. You go to OpenAerialMap, visualize the world. And I want to see highresolution imagery. I can go to Dominica where recently Hurricane me Maria passed through and UAVs are catching postdisaster imagery. I can pull up and visualize a small flight that global medic did and pull that right into OpenStreetMap. Start editing, start using it, and start putting that community on the map. We can also just grab it and download it, pull it in, do anything you want with it. And then beyond satellite, a lot of other UAV pilots have been publishing. So places in San Francisco from Berlin to Moscow to Indonesia. The Indonesian Red Cross is collecting imagery for their programs. So places in Fiji. So literally around the world the imagery is being collected, made available, and we’re starting to make it easily accessible in OpenStreetMap. So over 35 countries, 100 different providers. Anyone from a hobbyist to a commercial drone company. Provided almost 5,000 images have been contributed. So I’m with HOT. You know, we are still we’re doing we’re leading disaster mapping through But building and training to help grow OSM communities. This is one of the reasons why we’re behind and really building OpenAerialMap with partners in the room. One of the things is we’re trying to build a community of both UAV operators and imagery. There’s a typo. Imagery providers. Really to enable enable more impact through access. And what that looks like is imagery in Vonuatu after the earthquake. We’re doing both OpenStreetMap tracing, but then also using that imagery outside of OpenStreetMap to do some damage assessments and generate reports for first responders. But also like postdisaster recovery. We are also doing helping supply some crowd sourcing damage assessments. You know, we’re using a customized ID editor. Talked to Robert Soden and the guys testing methods for crowd sourcing. Helping supply imagery for machine learning for malaria elimination. OpenStreetMap, taking classified types of buildings, residential or nonresidential. Should be able to do better planning for malaria campaigns. There’s a number of imageries we have for flood planning in Dar Es Salaam. And identify areas in one of the world’s fastest growing cities where potential flooding could affect more vulnerable communities. There’s a number of coordinations happening across the Pacific in a project called Pacted. Where an imagery coordination service is helping coordinate where people are requesting imagery and where UAV pilots are flying. And so really the future has more open imagery for OSM. And this is what we’re working on at OpenAerialMap. And we knows there’s different layers and all the awesome work that a number of companies here have allowed their global base maps to be a part of that cosystem of options. And providing map services this is a small demo of what it would look like not looking at UAV imagery scene by scene, but piecing together a living map where imagery that’s being uploaded into a single layer is now accessible. We can bring that into OpenStreetMap. We’re working with DigitalGlobe to make their open data more accessible faster in the wake of a disaster. So this is the case of an example where in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, their imagery was immediately pulled in OpenAerialMap and then used into OpenStreetMap. And then so the big thing in the last days we have rolled out user accounts. So you can sign in and quickly upload and see your imagery. I don’t have any images. But I’m going to upload one and be able to quickly start to manage my own data. Which is this is a big thing for OpenAerialMap. We haven’t had this opportunity for you to really manage your own data. So this is exciting. And then what’s next is more helping expose who is providing. So provider pages. But on top of that, being able to select a couple images and then generate a small TMS from that. Which kind of starts to give the power of where multiple providers, multiple sets of data are coming together. And then you can start to use it. Then we’re working with and going with key oh, man. Key provider like key software. So OpenDroneMap, which Dakota will talk about in a little bit. I saw picts4D. If you were a drone pilot collecting and processing and making imagery, then you can easily get it out and distribute it. And then lastly, we’re, you know, through OpenAerialMap we’re working on training and resources for doing better imagery collection. If you’re interested, we’re working on technical guidelines for mapping with small UAVs. Come talk to me afterwards. I would love your input and integrate this and make this readily available. More resources. And check out our blog. And then There’s a font rendering error. Sorry. So yeah. That’s it. Thank you so much. [ Applause ] Thanks. And I’ll be we can do questions later or now? Oh, now. Great. Any questions? Yeah, Chad? One sec. Mic’s coming. AUDIENCE: What’s the capability of OpenAerialMap to help with the processing of imagery once you collect it from a drone to get it rectified and services created? So OpenAerialMap is really picking up after that processing happens. I think Dakota might share a little bit on like the work that he’s been doing on the processing side of things. One thing we are like OAM is doing is doing some compression on the for storage. And so that makes it easier to kind of pour it around a geo Tiff if that’s what’s useful. But I would love to think about the I think a big challenge, especially working in where we’ve worked in the Pacific Islands, is after that processing happens, it’s still a large file. And so a little bit of prep and compression before you start to distribute it I think would go a long way. You had a question? AUDIENCE: First of all, thanks for fixing the blurry image. Yeah. And then when are the plans for making global mosaic and what are the plans for Is Seth here? So the plans are we’re working on that in the next month. And we you see some of the where is it? A little bit of just the you know. We’re getting started on this. And we’re going to be working on that. So within the next month. Either one. You were first. AUDIENCE: So this is imagery from the drones. But when we process it process the imagery, we can also gets digital elevation modal, right? So what OpenAerialMap will do with this data? Can we share the digital elevation modals as well? Because they are as well, right? Right. I have gotten that a lot. And right now we’ve really only been solving the kind of the true color visual image distribution. I do think it wouldn’t be out of the scope to tie that with a digital elevation model. So we have these kind of pairing files. We’re not addressing that at the moment. But it’s it’s a topic that we’ve talked about. AUDIENCE: So you mentioned that there’s some smaller Pacific islands that have requested the aerial coverage of them. For those islands, they’re obviously very difficult to get to. Do you find like local people that have UAVs get most of the mapping, or is it contracted out? It’s a mix, actually. So one so there’s actually just two weeks ago I was in Tonga. And the national disaster management agency there has two UAVs. Two phantom 4s. They have been learning and training to be able to use it by themselves. But then they also contracted and brought in external resources to do some flights. So there’s a mix. Yeah. AUDIENCE: What kind of imagery kind of belongs there? Just drone imagery, or if I process sentinel imagery into a true color, would that be reasonable? Is there size limits to what goes up there? No size limits. The question of usefulness I think is there. So Astro Digital has made a bunch of their historical Landsat, it’s all in there and valuable. So uploading sentinel, you know, products isn’t out of the scope. Other questions? AUDIENCE: Yeah. Just two quick questions. So is there any kind of geo referencing accuracy requirements for reporting standards that you would expect? And how about like support for historical imagery? If people wanted to map historical features? Yeah. No limit on the historical stuff. On the geo referencing side of things, the only check that we’re doing right now is that if the image is actually geo referencing. But it doesn’t check what that quality is. So there is a range of quality of images that I’ve seen come in. So that it is a problem that I think if anyone here wants to tackle, I would love to tackle that with you. Whether it’s thinking about GCPs, thinking about feedback, if you know an image is offset at a certain to a certain point and giving feedback to that imagery provider. Yeah. That’s not there. But it’s not out of the scope of, like, where OAM is. I think what we have been focused on the last year is starting to build this foundation and build this community around some of these problems. And then start to build from there. So I’m around until all day tomorrow. So if anyone wants to talk about this more, see a demo, upload imagery that you already have, please come talk to me. Thank you. [ Applause ]